131. Pre-crastinating Art with Aaron Bourget
Original Drawing by Tori Haynes
This week, we had the opportunity to talk to Aaron Bourget who is a film maker of hundreds of short films. Bourget's process of creativity? Pre-crastination, use whatever you have at hand, and push whatever you have into the world week by week.
Timestamp Outline
1:48 Introduction: Walla Walla Movie Crush Film Festival
4:40 The Serial Artist: obsessed and possessed, sculptures, paintings, videos, poems, and film making
6:51 ”Maybe everyone’s a serial artist, but not everyone has the capacity to produce art at this furious rate.” VP
Pre-crastinating and procrastinating
9:02 Titles: Making to have a new title
Marchel Duchamp’s Fountain
11:00 “My favorite part when watching movies is the very beginning and the end. The shorter the film, the more beginnings and ends you can have.” AB
Digital vs. film and the ability to work fast: is there a passion and obsession with the quickness?
15:48 “How did you get into art?” VP
AB’s parent’s habits and inspiration that influences his creative habits
19:29 “What is your ambitions and desires?” VP
23:23 The '“lean/Spartan” quality: is this your aesthetic?
”You can make inexpensive art, and it’s attainable for everyone.” AB
25:12 Comparing short films to architecture: “How architecture looks, stands, organizes, and performs is like making a film.” VP
30:25 Hal Ashby and Duchamp: AB’s Frank Gehry
Martin Creed’s lecture at the Henry Art Gallery: “Almost every answer, he was making everything because he wanted to feel free.” AB …. but what is free?
34:39 Teaching tactics vs. Film mentality: “I don’t know when I’m doing my best”
39:05 Writing commentary: “The questions in artwork brings up whatever answers we’ll have” AB
42:16 Content and aesthetics: “What s the palette of ideas you’re interested in? Equipment? Collaborations?”
53:05 “What would you pick as your favorite films?”
Because You Watched Cool Hand Luke
AB’s YouTube Channel for more short films: https://www.youtube.com/user/bourgetfilms