143. Robotic Architecture with Mahesh Daas
Original Drawing by Tori Haynes
This week, we are joined by Mahesh Daas, who is the author of Toward a Robotic Architecture. Is the future of architecture all done by robots and AI? Or has it started already?
Timestamp Outline
2:35 Towards a Robotic Architecture
3:15 “Even when they do nothing, robots are evocative” MD
7:20 Evocation
7:39 2000 Space Odyssey + Frankenstein
9:05 Do you see robots as machines? Humans are born, robots are made
12:31 Bruno Latour Gaia Robots
13:07 “Personhood: being human and how we’re being human” MD
16:20 Do you think we’re looking at a paradigm shift with robots?
19:41 Yokohama Project
21:38 Martin Heidegger
23:23 What about a robot isn’t just technology?
24:59 Joaquin Phoenix Her + Tom Hanks Cast Away
25:23 Superhuman qualities, immortality, and robots surpassing humans and how these agencies become part of human biological composition
27:15 Noam Chomsky NY Times Article
28:16 Will robots and AI transform architecture and construction?
30:47 Prompt engineering and generated AI design architecture
42:10 Niche technologies and transformation to larger-scaled architecture
47:24 “Maybe we are also extracting thematics from deep memory and re-purposing them” VP
48:34 “The whole thing about generated AI is that they have been human-aligned… Will it be good for humans?” MD