154. Alternative Futures with SB Divya
Original Drawing by Tori Haynes
Today we are joined by SB Divya who wrote the science fiction novel Meru and helps us think about potential futures on Earth. Meru as we discuss in this episode is a future in which tech is developed based on imaginations of current technology and science and possibilities unknown but conceivable.
Timestamp Outline
3:32 Meru by SB Divya
Building speculative futures
6:01 How did you go from being an engineer to a creative thinker?
Conversation about Divya beginning with writing first and reading science fiction from a young age, developed an interest in astronomy and astrophysics.
7:53 “When you read about people traveling to the stars and witnessing these amazing things in space, I was absolutely inspired” SBD
8:28 8th grade project on the life cycle of stars, the intersection of science fiction, and how it sparked the interest and career path for Divya.
Neuroscience land Christof Koch as Divya’s advisor
10:28 Made a living by getting familiar with several skills that fell under the category of electrical engineering
Electrical engineering and “the algorithms, the mathematics, and where it intersects with biomimicry” SBD
11:04 What’s the difference between a collapsing neutron star and brain consciousness?
12:27 “I feel like every 100-150 years, physicists think they have it all figured it out and then something comes along and disrupts the models… and we realize we have to think deeper or re-think some of our assumptions” SBD
13:35 Thought experiments to what end? Testing possibilities to futures? What are the lines that connects your speculations or hypotheses about what the universe is and the stories you are writing?
The “What-If”
16:32 A feedback process (triangle) to balance three points: What is the world like? Who are the main characters and their journey? What is the plot?
16:59 What are your thoughts on post-human alloys that seem neither dystopian nor utopian?
Alloys and Constructs
21:14 Genetic engineering: can we get to a time where we can treat genes like Legos and assemble complex living structures however we want? How can we harness DNA to do this?
25:56 Cross-cultural and long lineage with humans and divines and falling in love
Intelligence and the capability to speech makes it easier for humans to fall in love in stories
Going in the other direction: it wasn’t meant to be (transgression)
29:20 Meru: Reproduction is vastly explored. What were your thoughts? Why is this a particular interest in this context?
Modern topics of conceiving, abortion, reproduction, etc. and the external womb in the story
32:59 “All matter has some sort of consciousness and possesses consciousness.” VP
“What if this is true? How does this change the way society might approach its interaction to its environment?” SBD
Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning by Karen Barad
37:17 Concept of reality transiting
42:00 Science-consciousness as a real thing as a basis of thinking about it as a material property of the world. How can we manipulate it?
“If we had to stick with what we know today, I would say consciousness is an emergent property of the way our brains are structured and the way we experience and interact with our environment… almost an illusion” SBD
45:59 Things we used to think are unique to humans are now not unique to us, and now we are passing on the knowledge to AI
50:21 What are you trying to do with Sanskrit as a literary device in your novel?
55:28 “She enjoys subverting expectations and breaking stereotypes whenever she can”. What’s next?
Loka by SB Divya