136. Architecture After Architecture with Jeremy Till
Original Drawing by Tori Haynes
This week, we are joined by Professor Jeremy Till, who talks about his work with the research collective MOULD and their project Architecture after Architecture which interrogates the constitutive entanglement between architecture and modernism. With modernism responsible for the climate emergency, we will have to re-think what architecture is in fundamental terms, and Till discusses architecture as the solution.
Timestamp Outline
3:07 What is “Architecture after Architecture” and “design after design”?
What is architecture after architecture if architecture as we know it is no longer appropriate or tenable?
Is the modern here totalizing? Is it everything, or is there anything outside modern in the modern?
Zygmunt Bauman defines modernity as a project of ordering, and argues that if something is being ordered, it also excludes
Donna Haraway
Anna Tsing
How do you describe the “exclusions?”
Boaventura de Sousa Santos: End of the Cognitive Empire
13:07 In terms of philosophical and conceptual lenses that created the climate breakdown, would you index an Abrahamic view? Or do you think it’s specifically modern?
Bruno Latour: We Have Never Been Modern - Notions of separation of man, culture, society, etc.
21:47 What do you mean by architecture is constitutively implicated in this addiction project?
3 points: Handmaiden, Intentionally Complicit, and Vehicle
”In terms of what defines the new, the new is defined on very particular terms. It’s not defined on new spatial relationships.” JT
Dana Discordia: Discord architecture - describes architecture’s dependency on energy
31:06 What can architecture do for the climate emergency? The earth as the sick patient, the architecture hospital, and fixing it
”There are partial fixes to the dying body of the planet.” JT
34:06 Why and how did JT get into architecture?
Henri Lefebvre: “social space is a social product”
41:12 “The basic premise of the project is that if climate breakdown necessitates new social change and criteria, then how do we live together?” JT
43:12 If architecture is so constitutively implicated in the modern, it sounds totalizing. How do we advance?
Kate Raworth
47:49 Are you still keeping architecture in the handmaiden and vehicular role, but to a different regime?
51:51 How do you articulate the love of architecture as a studio design strategy?
Amitav Ghosh - The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable
56:51 Scarcity: Do you still stand by the ethics of aesthetics of scarcity as a lens to see the future?