139. Planetary and the Climate Crisis with James Graham
Original Drawing by Tori Haynes
This week, we are joined by James Graham who is currently an assistant professor at CCA, and used to be faculty at Columbia University and handled publications there. His work heavily revolves around the planetary and climate crisis.
Timestamp Outline
2:41 Climate Imaginaries
3:33 Climate Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary
What is the imaginary behind the title?
5:12 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
11:11 How did you pull the scientists into the school of architecture?
15:04 “The permission to work on anything you feel like” and “Disciplinary straight jacket-ery” VP
19:35 Planetary - familiar and unfamiliar
20:30 Lissitzky and the blue marble
26:18 James and growing up in the Episcopal church
29:03 “Modernism hasn’t succeeded” VP
34:53 “In architecture, we produce technical solutions, but lack the imaginaries”
35:27 What are the new imaginaries?
38:00 Mobility - Lydia Kiesling
47:16 How connected are you with design culture?
50:29 Land Acknowledgement project
52:39 East coast vs. West coast